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Breast Reduction, Bellevue & Kirkland

Procedure Time

2-3 hours

Recovery Time

3-5 days

Breast Reduction, Bellevue & Kirkland

While many people wish to achieve larger breasts, some struggle with the size of their breast tissue. Having overly large breasts can create an array of physical and cosmetic challenges that can hinder the mental health of many people. A breast reduction can create the change necessary to alleviate both the physical and mental symptoms of overly large breasts. 

At Northwest Face & Body, our top providers create the best breast reduction for every patient. Whether you are looking to have a better clothing fit or wish to reduce back pain, breast reduction may be the answer for you.  

What Is A Breast Reduction?

To put simply, a breast reduction is a tissue removal surgery that reshapes and lowers the amount of breast tissue a patient has. Breast reduction, Bellevue, is a comprehensive surgery that allows patients to enjoy a more petite frame while still maintaining their natural figure. It can be tailored to suit your desired outcome and alleviate symptoms that accompany large breasts. 

Overall, breast reduction surgery can achieve a smaller, more functional frame that opens doors for physical activity, confidence, and comfort.

What Are Overly Large Breasts?

Overdeveloped breast tissue is a genetic occurrence that can hinder your physical and mental health. During puberty, women begin to develop breast tissue as their hormones begin to fluctuate and change. When this occurs, some women begin to develop large breasts due to their genetic predisposition. 

However, pregnancy and hormone fluctuation can also be a factor in massive breast tissue. It’s normal to have large breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but sometimes, after pregnancy, the breast tissue expands and grows to an uncomfortable size. When this happens, your breasts may be too large for your proportions and lifestyle.

Why Undergo A Breast Reduction?

A breast reduction, Kirkland, offers immense benefits to those who have an overdeveloped chest. It can help with many challenges that can hinder your daily life. Some benefits of breast reduction surgery, Bellevue, include:

  • Creates better proportions for the chest
  • Helps eliminate back, neck, and shoulder pain that can come from large breasts
  • Creates easier mobility
  • Can improve your posture
  • Easier time wearing clothes and swimsuits
  • Can create symmetry in the chest
  • Enhances your natural shape
  • Can eliminate nerve pain
  • Makes working out and movement easier
  • Performed by the best breast reduction surgeon in Bellevue & Kirkland

While having large breasts may not seem like a negative thing to most, the providers at Northwest Face & Body understand how difficult it can make your daily life. Through breast reduction, Bellevue, you can maintain your natural shape while achieving breasts that are more proportionate and practical.

Things To Consider Before A Breast Reduction

Before you choose to undergo a breast reduction, Kirkland, there are a few things you should consider. Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery but a surgery nonetheless, and everyone should ensure they are confident in their decision beforehand. Before you choose a breast reduction, check to be sure your breasts are genuinely problematic. However, most patients who undergo this procedure are more than satisfied with the results. Some additional things to consider include:

  • How your breasts affect your daily life
  • Any back, neck, or shoulder pain you struggle with consistently
  • If your breasts are a source of insecurity
  • If you struggle to fit into clothing because of your chest
  • If you have noticeable breast asymmetry
  • The provider you want to perform the surgery
  • If you plan to breastfeed in the future
  • Your own physical health

Taking these things into consideration can help you feel comfortable and calm before your massive breast reduction.

Potential Risks

Breast reduction, Kirkland, is a relatively safe process that, when performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon, does not pose much risk. However, there are certain factors that, while rare, are a potential risk. These factors include:

  • Nerve damage
  • Infection
  • Fluid build-up
  • Tissue damage
  • Scarring
  • Adverse reaction to the anesthesia

By finding your ideal provider, you can achieve a successful breast reduction without worry. 

Breast Reduction Process

Your breast reduction, Bellevue, will begin with a consultation at Northwest Face & Body. One of our leading providers will walk you through the entire process so you can feel secure and confident going into your surgery. Additionally, the provider must review certain things to ensure you are suitable for the surgery. Things the provider will wish to go over include:

  • Your overall health and medical records
  • Your history with large breasts and past challenges
  • Your ideal outcomes and goals
  • The best surgery for your desired outcome

This information will allow the provider to create an in-depth surgical plan accommodating your body type, needs, and desires.

Breast Reduction Preparation

You can prepare for a breast reduction in a few ways, Kirkland. You will need to consider things like taking time off of work and let your employers know beforehand. It’s typically recommended that you take off work for a week or two, so planning for this is essential. You may also need help around the house as you cannot lift your arms very high for a few weeks.  

The provider may also prescribe medication before your surgery. You should take all medication prescribed and stop any that is recommended. If you smoke, you will need to quit months before your surgery and avoid any alcohol in the days leading up to it.

What To Expect During A Breast Reduction

There are a few things you can expect from a breast augmentation, Kirkland. Your provider will put you under general anesthesia before beginning your surgery. During breast reduction surgery, there are a few techniques the provider may use, depending on your genetics, goals, and chosen option. These methods include the following:

Anchor Method

The anchor method is the most used method to perform breast reduction, as it is best for those who need a massive breast reduction. It can also work if you have more glandular or fibrous tissue than fat. However, the anchor method is more invasive than the rest, as it removes the most significant amount of tissue and fat. The incision is located around the nipple and down the center of the breast.

Vertical Method

The vertical method removes less breast tissue but is also less invasive and requires less scarring. It’s mainly used for patients with a medium amount of breast tissue and fat. The scar is smaller, and the entire process is less invasive than the anchor method.

Scarless Method

The scarless method can be used for patients who have excess fatty tissue in their breasts but no glandular or fibrous tissue that needs to be removed. During this process, the provider can use liposuction to suck out excess fat tissue and create smaller, perkier breasts. It’s called the scarless method because the incisions are small and can be hidden discreetly under the breast tissue. The Northwest Face & Body provider will use a gentle liposuction method to ensure a safe and minimally invasive procedure.


Recovery from breast reduction, Bellevue, depends on the type of breast reduction you receive. However, there are some general guidelines your provider will give you when you undergo the surgery. These guidelines may include:
  • Care for any drains in place by following the provided instructions
  • Wear any surgical wrap provided until the provider removes it
  • Take all provided medication to help manage discomfort and promote rest
  • Wear a surgical bra to promote proper healing
  • Avoid raising your arms high or any heavy-lifting
  • Take off work for a few weeks or for however long your provider instructs
  • Avoid all physical activity for a few weeks
The initial stages of recovery should only last for a few weeks, but it’s important to rest for as long as you need.


Is A Breast Reduction Risky?

Breast reduction does pose a particular risk, but with the right cosmetic surgeon, you can reduce it significantly. However, breast reduction, Bellevue, has become increasingly safer with advanced methods and techniques.

Can A Breast Reduction Be Painful?

A breast reduction can cause some discomfort but only for the first few days of recovery. Your provider can prescribe you medication to help you stay comfortable and rest. Overall, breast reductions only cause some discomfort initially, but this fades early on.

How Much Does A Breast Reduction Cost In Bellevue?

At Northwest Face & Body, a breast reduction costs $8,995. However, this can vary depending on the techniques used and the amount of breast tissue that needs removal. Your provider will give you a  custom quote during a consultation.

Can You Breastfeed After A Breast Augmentation?

It can be difficult to breastfeed after undergoing a breast reduction surgery due to the tissue that may be removed. However, it may still be possible with less invasive techniques like the scarless method.

Does Insurance Cover Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction, Bellevue, can be covered by insurance if you show medical documents referring to medical challenges with breast pain. Northwest Face & Body takes most major insurance providers and some private ones. You can speak to your provider about insurance coverage during your consultation.