
Northwest Face & Body

Buccal Fat Removal in Bellevue

Procedure Time

1-2 Hours

Recovery Time

1 Month

Buccal Fat Removal in Bellevue

Buccal fat removal—also called cheek reduction surgery Bellevue—is a procedure that helps slim the face by removing all or part of the buccal fat pads in the cheeks. This facial contouring procedure has grown in popularity in the last decade because it is non-invasive and can sometimes be performed under local anesthesia. Buccal fat removal—when performed on the right patients—can benefit people of all ages. The surgeons at Northwest Face & Body offer the best facial contouring in Bellevue provides.

Understanding Chubby Cheeks and How Does Buccal Fat Removal Help?

The buccal fat pad is a small portion of fat located in the lower cheek. The primary fullness of the cheeks is created by the malar fat pad which is higher on the cheeks and often helps accentuate the natural structure of the face. The buccal fat pad is most prominent in children and gives them the rounded, cute faces we associate with children. Over time, the buccal fat pad tends to slim down and become less prominent.

While this is true for nearly everyone, some people have larger buccal fat pads or do not experience the same level of slimming. Thus, some people may continue to have a childish, round face well into adulthood. Weight loss rarely affects this appearance and a person’s overall weight is usually determined not to be a factor when seeing a patient who can truly benefit from buccal fat removal.

Also, cheek reduction surgery Bellevue is sometimes an anti-aging surgery. With age, fat can descend into the buccal fat pads or they can begin to become more prominent due to uneven facial fat loss. Therefore, performing a non-invasive cheek reduction can help maintain youthful facial contours.

If considering a cheek slimming procedure, it is important to find a surgeon skilled in such procedures. A facial plastic surgeon or a surgeon who specializes in facial contouring often performs buccal fat removal or similar procedures routinely. This allows them to identify the best option for you to obtain your desired facial contours.

Buccal Fat Removal Procedure

Buccal fat removal is a non-invasive cheek reduction Bellevue that is performed as an outpatient surgery. Before surgery, your surgeon will analyze your facial anatomy and may make certain measurements and conduct tests to determine the right amount of fat to remove and the ideal way to do it. Sometimes, surgeons may determine that buccal fat removal is not the best procedure and may recommend an alternative such as cheek filler or a facelift.

During surgery, patients may be placed under either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The only major difference is that patients are fully sedated under general anesthesia. However, because the procedure is quick and generally easy to manage pain, it is possible for a patient to not need full sedation. Regardless, patients are kept comfortable for a painless experience.

Incisions for buccal fat removal are made inside the mouth near your second molar. The fat pad is then exposed and the necessary amount of fat is removed. Your surgeon takes the time to carefully sculpt the cheek and remove only enough fat to obtain the ideal result. The process is repeated on the other side of the mouth. The procedure leaves no external scars and dissolvable sutures are used inside the mouth.

What Should You Expect After Buccal Fat Removal Surgery in Bellevue?

Immediately following surgery, patients may notice a difference in their facial contours. However, as swelling and other side effects set in, this will become distorted. Generally, after several weeks, patients will see their results. But, it is important to note, that everyone heals at different rates and certain aspects of healing can take several months. Therefore, the results of buccal fat removal are not considered final until at least nine to twelve months post-surgery.

What Are the Benefits of Buccal Fat Removal?

Buccal fat removal comes with many possible benefits including:
  • Slimmer face
  • Enhanced definition of the cheeks and jaws
  • Achieve a more mature appearance for adults with a round face
  • Address aging concerns in those of advanced age
  • Aesthetically pleasing facial contours
  • Improved facial symmetry and balance
  • Boost in confidence and self-esteem
  • Safe and effective procedure
  • Minimal pain or downtime
  • Long-lasting results
  • Full sedation not always necessary
  • Complements several other surgical and non-surgical procedures
  • Performed by expert cosmetic surgeons who specialize in facial contouring

Who Are the Ideal Candidates for Buccal Fat Removal?

The best candidates for buccal fat removal are adults who have always had fullness in their lower cheeks, regardless of their weight or age. Also, older adults who have noticed uneven fat loss and distribution and who want to maintain a youthful-looking facial contour. Others may benefit from slim cheeks Bellevue, but it is more on a case-by-case basis. Many patients who believe they need buccal fat removal would benefit more from other procedures such as Botox, fillers, or other facial cosmetic surgeries.

As a non-invasive surgery that can be performed under local anesthesia, patients only need to be generally healthy with no major, unmanaged concerns. Most relatively healthy people should medically qualify for cheek reduction surgery. However, you must provide your surgeon with your full medical history so they can gain a good understanding of your health and candidacy for the procedure.

How Should You Prepare for Buccal Fat Removal Surgery?

In the lead-up to surgery, patients will attend a pre-operative appointment where instructions are given on how to prepare for surgery. These can vary based on the patient, but may include:

  • Starting or stopping certain medications or supplements
  • Making arrangements for childcare, transportation, and caregiving
  • Fill any prescriptions given by your surgeon
  • Ensure any medical clearances or other requested records have been provided
  • Eating well and exercising

What Are the Costs and Financing Options for Buccal Fat Removal in Bellevue?

Buccal fat removal at Northwest Face & Body starts at $6,950. However, the finalized cost may vary based on anesthesia needs, other combined procedures, and specifics of the surgery. Northwest Face & Body accepts financing from Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit. We also accept all major credit cards.

What Is the Recovery Process Like for Buccal Fat Removal?

When recovering from buccal fat removal surgery, patients can expect a fairly mild recovery. Side effects such as swelling, bruising, and discomfort may arise within a few days but typically resolve on their own within a few weeks. Prescription pain medications are not always needed, but your surgeon may provide them if necessary. Generally, patients do not need them for more than three days. Instructions for your non-invasive cheek reduction Bellevue may include:
  • Follow a liquid diet
  • Do not suck through a straw or similar actions
  • Avoid strenuous activity for about one week
  • Apply ice packs externally
  • Attend all follow-up appointments
  • Have a good understanding of when you can expect to see results

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Buccal Fat Removal?

As a surgical procedure, buccal fat removal does come with some risks and side effects. Overall, it is a low-risk procedure with mild side effects, but patients do need to understand all of the possibilities before surgery. Possible risks or side effects include:

  • Infection
  • Numbness (generally around the incisions)
  • Asymmetry
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Prolonged or severe side effects
  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • Opening or issues with the incisions

Most side effects and minor complications will resolve on their own or with limited intervention. Major complications are exceptionally rare.

Can Buccal Fat Removal Be Combined with Other Procedures?

Yes, buccal fat removal can be combined with other procedures—including surgical and non-surgical procedures. Combining cosmetic surgeries offers many benefits including reduced recovery time, cost, and only one surgical session. Common surgeries that buccal fat removal is combined with include:

What Happens During a Consultation for Buccal Fat Removal in Bellevue?

During a consultation, your surgeon will discuss your goals with you as well as your medical history. They will then examine your face. This will allow them to conclude whether you are a good candidate for buccal fat removal surgery or if you may better benefit from another procedure. Patients will also receive important information concerning the risks of the procedure. Finally, patients can expect to get a finalized price for their surgery and financing information.

Schedule a Consultation for Buccal Fat Removal in Bellevue

Northwest Face & Body is the culmination of hundreds of years of combined experience among our surgeons, injectors, and master estheticians. Having served the Eastside for over thirty years, Northwest Face & Body helps patients look and feel their best through high-quality cosmetic procedures.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.


How does buccal fat removal affect your face shape?

Buccal fat removal helps to slim the overall appearance of the face. It creates a small shadowy area between the cheeks and jaw which helps enhance the definition of both features.

Does buccal fat removal look bad as you age?

Not if performed on an ideal candidate. Patients who are not good candidates for the procedure may see their results not age well. This is why it is important to go to an experienced surgeon who can gauge whether buccal fat removal is ideal for you in the long term.

Is Buccal Fat Removal PERMANENT?

Essentially, yes, once fat is removed from the cheeks it cannot come back. However, facial fat from other areas can expand or descend into the area with age. Generally though, some result of cheek slimming will always be present.

Can Buccal Fat Removal BE REVERSED?

Potentially, but it depends on the situation. If a patient was not a good candidate or too much fat was removed, there is a possibility of restoring some volume through facial fat transfer or dermal filler injections. However, this is not viable for all patients, and patients should understand the permanence of the procedure.

Can you get Buccal Fat Removal MORE THAN ONCE?

Yes, if the entire fat pad was not removed during the initial surgery, it is possible to get buccal fat pad removal more than once.

Contact Northwest Face & Body for Buccal Fat Removal !

For the tummy tuck you desire, we hope to assist! Call us at 425.576.1700 to schedule a consultation. You also connect with us online via chat, Price Simulator™, or our contact us page. We look forward to helping you live your best life!