When most people think about the places fat collects on the body, the arms are often not in the top areas. Of course, in people of any size, the arms do carry some natural fat. However, due to genetics and various other factors, some may carry more fat in their upper body and arms than others. If someone loses a large amount of weight, this can leave them copious amounts of extra skin and leave them with an appearance sometimes referred to as “batwings”. This less than positive term can make patients self conscious about the look of their arms. If skin removal is necessary, an arm lift surgery is often the best bet. Dr. Ludwig Allegra and Dr. Tarak Patel at Northwest Face & Body provide the best arm lift Bellevue and Kirkland offers.
On the surface, it may seem like patients have similar reasons for seeking out arm lift surgery. The appearance it corrects is fairly specific. However, there are many conditions that may cause extra skin and fat in the arms, as well as motivations for a patient to seek surgical correction. Some of the common causes and reasons for arm lift surgery in Bellevue include:
Arm lifts aim to create a thinner, more graceful looking arm by removing extra skin and small, stubborn fat deposits. Along with this, it can correct various other cosmetic concerns that a patient may have, such as:
The exact reasons for seeking surgery and the results a patient wants will vary from patient to patient. Ultimately, your Bellevue plastic surgeon will take both factors into account when considering whether or not you are a good candidate for an arm lift in Bellevue.
Along with the results of arm lift surgery, the procedure also comes with many other benefits. Your plastic surgeon will discuss these with you before surgery and any that may be individual to your arm lift experience. Some of the benefits of an arm lift may include:
After you are placed under general anesthesia, the first step your plastic surgeon will take is to make an incision vertically down one arm. The incision typically starts in or near the armpit and goes down as far as it needs to. In some cases, it may reach as far as the elbow, in more minor cases it may only extend a few inches. This will be discussed before surgery, so that you will know what to expect from your incision.
From there, your plastic surgeon will tighten the skin and trim away the excess. Depending on your needs, they may also perform liposuction to remove small pockets of that that may contribute to the “batwing” appearance. Once reaching the desired results, your plastic surgeon will stitch the incision and you will slowly begin to wake up.
Northwest Face & Body is a high end plastic surgery center with Medicare accredited operating rooms, a comfortable clinic environment, a beautiful lobby area. Located on the first floor, Northwest Face & Body is accessible and a safe space for patients of all identities. Having served the Eastside for over thirty years, Northwest Face & Body is among one of the top destinations for plastic surgery in Washington State. Dr. Ludwig Allegra and the plastic surgeons at Northwest Face & Body offer the best arm lift Bellevue and Kirkland provide.
Dr. Ludwig Allegra and Dr. Patel are accomplished and celebrated cosmetic surgeons with decades in the field. To learn more and to schedule a consultation, call us at 425-546-0854. You can also reach out via chat, contact us, and Price Simulator®.