
Northwest Face & Body

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Temple Filler

Procedure Time 30-45 mins

Recovery Time 1 Day

Temple Filler

Your temples are located on the side of your head between your eyes, forehead, and ears. Anatomically, the temple is the juncture between four major bones of the skull and is covered by the temporal muscle. This area–despite its unique anatomy–is prone to tissue loss due to age and other changes within the body. When this occurs, it can cause the face to look gaunt or prematurely aged. Luckily, there is a simple and easy solution for hollowed temples in temple filler. Northwest Face & Body provides the best temple filler Bellevue and Kirkland offers.

What Does Temple Filler Do?

In simplest terms, temple fillers add volume to the temporal region. This most commonly treats age related fat loss in the face which can make the face look gaunt or too thin. Athletic individuals, or those who have lost large amounts of weight, may also notice hollowing in the temples.

When this hollowing happens, people may notice that they look more aged or even sick. The fillers provide a healthier, more youthful appearance and round out the face for more of a heart shape. Along with adding more volume to the temples, the filler can also create a “cat eye” appearance which is a popular beauty trend. The filler may also lessen the look of wrinkles, especially crow’s feet located at the corners of the eyes.

As far as what temporal filler will do for you, this is best discussed during a consultation with an injector at Northwest Face & Body. Temple filler is a versatile treatment that can provide many results depending on your anatomy and needs.

Reasons For Hollowed Temples

A patient may experience hollowing of the temples for various reasons. By far the most common explanation is aging. As we age, the face tends to naturally thin out and may even begin to look sunken or gaunt. This is often first visible in the temple area. However, this is not the only reason that patients choose to seek out temple filler. Some of the other circumstances that can cause hollowed temples include:

  • Weight changes
  • Athletic lifestyle
  • Sagging skin
  • Certain medical conditions or medications

While aging is the most frequent cause of hollow temples, patients of all ages can experience hollowing. Temple filler is a great option for adult patients who need to add volume, but do not need a brow lift or other surgery.


Temple filler comes with many benefits. Along with the results it can offer, temple filler is a treatment that is growing in popularity. Some of the benefits and advantages are:

  • Creation of a heart shaped face
  • Correction of facial thinning
  • Younger appearance
  • Fill in wrinkles
  • Creation of cat eye look
  • Lifts the eyebrows
  • May improve skin quality (when using a collagen stimulating filler)
  • Little to no pain
  • Low risk procedure
  • Non-surgical
  • Little to no recovery
  • Reversible (when using hyaluronic acid fillers)
  • Temporary results allow for experimenting to get the best results
  • Performed in under an hour
  • Administered by an experienced, qualified injector

Choosing Your Bellevue Temple Filler

There are numerous dermal filler options for your temple filler in Bellevue. In general, your options can be narrowed down into two categories: hyaluronic acid fillers and semi-permanent fillers. Each has its pros and cons when injected into the temple and your injector can discuss them with you during your consultation.

Hyaluronic acid fillers, also known as HA fillers, are the most widely used type of dermal fillers. Made of hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in the body, the fillers are used in many areas of the face. On average, hyaluronic acid fillers last between three and eighteen months based on the filler you choose, biological factors, and the treatment area. Restylane and Juvederm products are hyaluronic acid based fillers.

Semi-permanent fillers are non-hyaluronic acid based and last much longer, usually around two or more years. Sculptra is the semi-permanent filler frequently used in the temples. Made of poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra stimulates collagen which may promote natural tissue production in the area. This can also improve the look and quality of the skin. Unlike HA fillers, Sculptra and other semi-permanent fillers like Radiesse, are not reversible. Therefore, you should see an injector experienced with these products.

Hyaluronic Acid vs. Semi-Permanent

Ultimately, the right choice filler for your temples is a personal decision. Your injector can review the options with you to determine the best temporal filler for you. If you are new to filler, it is likely best to start with hyaluronic acid fillers. Additionally, if you have experience with Sculptra or similar fillers, it may be suitable to start there. The table below contains some quick comparisons between hyaluronic acid and semi-permanent fillers for the temples.

Hyaluronic Acid

  • Lower risk
  • Lasts around three to nine months on average
  • More malleable
  • Reversible
  • Does not promote collagen production


  • More overall risk
  • Tends to last around two years, often more
  • Promotes longer lasting, more natural looking results
  • Not easily reversible
  • Often stimulates new collagen

Temple Filler Before And After

Your Consultation

At a consultation with an injector at Northwest Face & Body, they will first want to know your goals for the procedure and the specific concerns you have with the area. Your injector will then review your medical history and may ask you a few related questions. Following this, they will examine the area. At this point, they will determine if you are a good candidate for temple filler in Bellevue.

If they believe you would benefit, your injector will discuss your options for filler and may make a recommendation based on your preferences, anatomy, and medical history. Injections can sometimes proceed during the same appointment, though this should be noted when you make your consultation appointment.

If your injector does not believe you are a good candidate for temple filler, they will offer possible alternatives to see the correction you want. Common alternatives include brow lift surgerylaser resurfacingRF microneedling, or a fat transfer procedure.


Before injecting your temple filler, your injector will clean the injection sites with an alcohol wipe. This reduces the risk of infection. They may also apply numbing cream to make the treatment less painful and easier to bear. However, this is not always necessary. If you do numb, your injector will prepare the filler during this time.

When you are sufficiently numb (normally after about fifteen minutes), your injector will injector the filler into your temples. The temples generally require more filler than other areas of the face. Therefore, this may necessitate multiple injection sites and more syringes of filler.

You may feel some discomfort during the injections but should remain overall comfortable. After injecting the filler, your injector may lightly massage it into place. The injections will likely take anywhere from ten to twenty minutes to complete. You should see an immediate difference, though this is not the final result.

Caring For Your Temple Filler

Temple filler injections do not have any required recovery time. With that said, your injector may give you some instructions on how to promote the best results and treat side effects. They may also recommend following up in about two weeks to gauge your results and inject more filler if needed.

For the first twenty four hours after your Bellevue temple filler injections, you will want to avoid strenuous exercise, touching your temples, bending over, and anything that may cause sweating. You should also limit sun exposure and apply makeup and skincare products with caution.

The filler should settle, side effects resolve, and your final results in about two weeks. If you choose a filler like Sculptra, you may not see results until after your second appointment. Your injector will discuss the nuances of your chosen filler and what to expect after injections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Temple Filler Injections Hurt?

Temple filler injections do usually come with some discomfort. Your injector can apply numbing cream prior to injections to make you more comfortable. Many dermal fillers–particularly hyaluronic acid fillers–also contain lidocaine in their formulas to ease the pain of injections.

Patients generally endure the discomfort of temple filler well. The injections typically do not take long either, limiting the amount of time you have to feel any pain or discomfort.

How Does Temple Filler Affect The Eyes?

Temple filler can affect the eyes in many ways. First off, injecting filler in the temples can reduce the appearance of crow’s feet. The crow’s feet are wrinkles that can appear at the corners of the eyes. Plumping the temples can smooth the look of these wrinkles in some cases. Additionally, temple filler can provide a slight lift to the eyes which may create the trending “cat eye” look. This can make the face more alluring and enhance overall facial appearance.

Is There A Way To Fill In The Temples Naturally?

Once volume is lost in the temples, the only way to naturally regain it is to gain weight which does not guarantee that your temples will be affected. You can disguise hollow temples with certain makeup tricks as well. The cosmetic procedures that most naturally fill in the temples are either a fat transfer procedure or Sculptra.

Fat transfer takes fat from one area of the body and transfers it into the temples. This can act like filler except it uses your own fat. A fat transfer to the face procedure often provides natural looking, long lasting results. Sculptra is a filler, but it stimulates collagen production as it resolves which promotes more permanent results and reduces the need for more injections in the future.

Can I Prevent Temple Hollowing?

Hollowing is one of the signs of aging which is difficult to prevent. The best ways to prevent temple hollowing include what you may do for other signs of aging. Some of the ways to prevent loss of volume in the temples are:

  • Take good care of your skin
  • Eat well and exercise
  • Maintain a stable weight
  • Spot treat wrinkles
  • Undergo anti-aging treatments such as chemical peels or microneedling
  • Know your medical history and medications that can contribute

How Much Are Temple Fillers?

The cost of temple fillers varies depending on the filler you choose and the amount you require. As previously mentioned, the temples often need more filler than other areas. On average, you can expect to use about one to two syringes of filler which ranges anywhere from $489 to more than $1,000. Your injector can provide a better idea of the price during your consultation. You can also explore some of your options on our Price Simulator™ and price list.

Rejuvenate Your Look With The Best Temple Filler In Bellevue And Kirkland

Temple filler is a delicate procedure that requires experience and expertise like the injectors at Northwest Face & Body can provide. Having served the Eastside for over two decades, Northwest Face & Body features a team of injectors made up of plastic surgeons, physicians, physicians assistants, and registered nurses. All of our injectors were trained by Dr. Ludwig Allegra who has decades of experience performing dermal filler injections. Northwest Face & Body provides the best temple filler Bellevue and Kirkland offers.

Located at Carillion Point in Kirkland, Northwest Face & Body is easily accessible from all major Eastside communities including Bellevue, Kirkland, and Redmond. Our facility consists of private, luxury treatment rooms where your injector will administer your filler injections.

To schedule a consultation at Northwest Face & Body, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also connect with us online using our Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.