
Northwest Face & Body

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VASER Liposuction In Bellevue & Kirkland

Procedure Time 1 Hours

Recovery Time 5-7 days

VASER Liposuction$1700

$299 30 Units with Surgeon/Injector

VASER Liposuction In Bellevue & Kirkland

VASER liposuction, which stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, is a newer generation of liposuction that is minimally invasive and can selectively remove fat to reshape target areas of your body. This is often used to define the abdominal muscles in patients who have toned muscles, but still have some small amounts of fat disguising them. Traditional liposuction cannot remove fat on this minute level. This is where VASER liposuction comes in. Northwest Face & Body provides the VASER liposuction Bellevue and Kirkland offers.

The VASER liposuction that Dr. Allegra and Dr. Patel perform is a highly individualized procedure that is tailored specifically to your needs and cosmetic goals. The targeted areas are “sculpted” around certain muscle groups to give you a more toned/athletic appearance. Typical treatment areas include the chest, hips, waist, abdomen, love handles, and arms. It is a great addition to traditional liposuction as well.

This procedure can be ideal for the already trim athlete who still has a pocket of “resistant” fat – fat that just doesn’t get exercised away. Some men opt for VASER Hi-Def to help define the 4- or 6-pack look, enhance the pectoral muscle zone, and reduce or eliminate the love handles. VASER lipo works well for women who also want a more muscular look by focusing on the sides of the waist and abdominal area.

Vaser Lipo Benefits

  • Minimally-invasive
  • Targets small, specific fat deposits
  • Fat easily removed because fat is softened before lipo
  • Creates a more natural, muscular, sculpted appearance
  • Emulsifies and eliminates the fat deposits without damaging other structures
  • Reduces side effects like bruising, swelling, and discomfort
  • Small, easily hidden incisions

VASER Liposuction Surgery At Northwest Face & Body

VASER lipo surgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed on an outpatient basis in our Medicare certified surgery center in Kirkland, WA. You will undergo preparation which will include preliminary medical testing and meeting with Dr. Allegra or Dr. Patel for surgical markings and reviewing the procedure.Dr. Allegra will first inject tumescent fluid to break up the fat in the targeted area. Tumescent solution is a combination pain medication and vasoconstrictor. This helps break up the fat and prevent excessive bleeding. VASER technology is based on a advanced ultrasound technology. Dr. Allegra or Dr. Patel will use the VASER ultrasound to emulsify the fat. Finally, a small cannula is inserted into the treatment areas and fat is precisely removed.This process will be repeated until all target areas have been treated.When finished, Dr. Allegra or Dr. Patel will close the incisions and you will begin to slowly wake up from surgery. Following surgery, you will be asked to wear a compression garment. This helps promote a healthy recovery and the ideal results. Other recovery instructions may include:
  • Take antibiotics
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for about two weeks
  • Eat well and stay hydrated
  • Attend post-operative appointments
  • Get up and walk occasionally during recovery
  • Take the recommended amount of time off work
  • Wear your compression garment as directed by Dr. Allegra

The Best VASER Lipo In Bellevue & Kirkland

Northwest Face & Body is a top plastic surgery practice and medical spa in Kirkland, Washington. Dr. Allegra and Northwest Face & Body has served the Eastside for over three decades. Dr. Allegra is one of the most experienced liposuction surgeons in Bellevue and Kirkland. The facility offers a relaxing and safe environment for your VASER liposuction surgery. Dr. Ludwig Allegra offers the best VASER liposuction Bellevue and Kirkland can provide.

To learn more and schedule your consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via contact form, chat, or Price Simulator®.