
Northwest Face & Body

Botox For Smile Lines In Bellevue & Kirkland

Procedure Time 30 mins

Recovery Time 1 day

$219 20 Units with Surgeon/Injector

$299 30 Units with Surgeon/Injector

Botox For Smile Lines In Bellevue & Kirkland

We all want to enjoy life without worry, especially when it comes to our appearance. But while years of laughter are a gift, they can lead to deep smile lines around the mouth, which can cause us to become self-conscious about our appearance. 

Botox for smile lines is an effective way to eliminate harsh lines from your smile so you can laugh with ease. At Northwest Face & Body, our aesthetic injection specialists can help create a customized plan for you and provide the leading Botox for smile line treatment in Bellevue and Kirkland.

What Is Botox For Smile Lines?

Botox for smile lines is a cosmetic treatment that diminishes or prevents deep lines around the mouth. Botox is a neuromodulator that relaxes the muscles that create these lines and can eliminate the appearance of deep grooves around the mouth. It’s an excellent option for a refreshed, youthful glow and easy smile. 

While there are other treatment options for smile lines, Botox is excellent for those who want to avoid fillers. However, combining Botox and dermal fillers is always an option to eliminate the appearance of smile lines.

What Are Smile Lines?

Smile lines are the deep indentations around the mouth that can occur as we age. They are noticeable when you smile, but repetitive muscle movement over time leads to permanent indentations around the mouth. Whatever the cause, smile lines are often an unwanted sign of aging and can cause some insecurity.

Causes For Smile Lines

There are many reasons why smile lines may develop. Age is a huge factor, but genetics and lifestyle can also play a role. The most common reason smile lines develop is age. The constant motion of smiling can leave deep indentions around the mouth as signs of age appear. However, genetics, diet, sun exposure, hydration, smoking, and weight fluctuation can all be a factor in the development of smile lines.

Benefits Of Botox For Smile Lines

Smile lines Botox is the ideal option for those who struggle with deep grooves around the outside of their mouth. This area, known as the nasolabial folds, is one of the first to begin showing signs of age. When injected into the nasolabial folds, Botox relaxes the muscles, prevents small muscle movement, and slowly eliminates the appearance of smile lines. Benefits of Botox for smile lines include: 

  • Eliminates smile lines
  • Can be a preventative treatment that stops them from occurring
  • Non-invasive
  • Quick and effective process
  • Gradually diminishes deep lines
  • Low risk
  • Customizable approach
  • Performed by the leading Botox providers in Bellevue
Botox is ideal for pinpointing the creases where smile lines begin. The small injections are perfect for the precision required for delicate skin.

Botox As A Preventative Treatment

Recently, it’s become popular to use Botox as a preventative treatment instead of waiting to use it for anti-aging purposes. Referred to as prejuvination, you can get Botox for laugh lines before they ever appear. This can help prevent smile lines from occurring so you look radiant no matter your age. Prejuvination allows you to get ahead of the game and decrease the chances of laugh lines appearing later on.

Botox For Smile Lines: What To Expect

Before you get Botox for smile lines, you’ll attend a consultation with one of our aesthetic injectors. However, the consultation is often done on the same day as the appointment, so you don’t have to worry about coming in twice. The consultation will help the provider decide how many units of Botox you need for your smile line treatment and how often you should get the injections.  

After the consultation, the provider will perform the Botox injections. The treatment is typically painless, although initially, you may feel a slight prick of discomfort. Overall, the entire treatment takes 15 to 30 minutes.

Is There Any Recovery After Laugh Line Botox?

The great thing about Botox is that there’s very little downtime required. In fact, most people return to their everyday lives immediately after their appointments. You will want to wait at least 24 hours before working out. Additionally, avoid touching or rubbing the injection sites and avoid laying on your sides for the first day.

Botox For Laugh Lines At Northwest Face & Body

Northwest Face & Body offers the leading Botox for smile line treatment in the Bellevue and Kirkland areas. When you book your appointment at our clinic, you can expect a customized experience that leaves you with glowing results. Whether you want to diminish laugh lines or stop them ahead of time, our expert aesthetic injectors have you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I A Candidate For Botox For Laugh Lines?

You may be a candidate for Botox treatment if you want to reduce or prevent smile lines. It’s ideal for eliminating deep lines and wrinkles, especially around the mouth. You can get Botox for laugh lines if you are healthy and confident in your decision. 

Can You Combine Botox With Other Treatments?

Yes, you can combine Botox with other treatments like dermal fillers. In fact, many people prefer to combine the treatments, as it can provide ideal results for reducing laugh lines.

How Soon Will I See The Results?

It can take two weeks before you start seeing results from Botox treatment. However, if this is your first time getting Botox for laugh lines, you may need two or three sessions before the final results appear.

How Often Should I Get Botox For Smile Lines?

Most patients space out their Botox treatment every four to six months, depending on the severity of the smile lines. Your provider will create a plan tailored to your needs and goals.

How Much Does Botox For Laugh Lines Cost In Kirkland?

At Northwest Face & Body, Botox units are $299 for 30 units. The price of Botox for smile lines depends on how many units of Botox you need per side.

To learn more about how BOTOX can prevent migraines and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also connect with us online via Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.