
Northwest Face & Body

How Do Weight Fluctuations Affect Brazilian Butt Lift Results?

Everyone has experienced weight fluctuations at one time or another. If you were to keep a log of your daily weight, you would notice slight variations in the numbers on your scale. This change is normal and generally has little to no effect on a person’s appearance. If you plan to undergo or have already […]

Your Essential Guide to Post-Surgery Skin Care

From gentle cleansing to scar cream application, follow this five-phase guide to minimize scarring and promote optimal healing. Scar Protocol regimen for effective post-surgery skin care.

After having a surgical procedure, self care becomes an important tool during recovery. While the initial needs will focus on rest and managing side effects, the latter part of recovery will include skincare to address scarring. Beginning scar treatment as early as possible is the best way to promote discreet scars that blend into your […]

Top 4 Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatments Customized For Men

Two common stigmas associated with cosmetic procedures are: Very few non-surgical options are available, safe, and effective. The majority of treatments are solely for women and aren’t capable of modification for men. While there isn’t a way to trace the origin of these misconceptions, there is a way to disprove them. In the cosmetic industry, […]

How Weight Loss Affects Breast Augmentation

With breast augmentation comes significant changes in your shape and figure. While these changes are welcome and stunning, some patients worry about potential weight loss and whether this will affect their breast augmentation in the future. While you won’t affect the actual implants, weight loss can alter the breasts. Here are some things to consider […]

When Should I Stop Icing After Blepharoplasty?

Here are the answers to when to stop icing post blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty—also referred to as eyelid surgery or an eyelid lift—is a commonly performed surgery that removes excess skin from the upper or lower eyelids, or both. Extra skin can collect on the eyelids with age, sun damage, and due to genetics, among many other factors. A blepharoplasty is quick and often does not require local […]

How Long Does It Take To See The Full Results Of A Tummy Tuck?

What Makes A Tummy Tuck Medically Necessary

A tummy tuck provides beautiful results for those looking to regain their body shape and achieve a stunning figure. However, some potential patients worry about the results and whether it will take long to see them. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, has many variations that provide results worth waiting for. The results of a tummy […]

5 Rehabilitation Techniques for Horrible Back Pain After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Mommy Makeover

A possible side effect of tummy tuck surgery that patients do not expect is back pain. Tummy tuck surgeries can cause back pain because the tightening of the abdominal skin can pull or force the back into a more strenuous position. Additionally, correcting the muscles, wearing a compression garment, and not having good posture can […]

Does Smoking Affect Breast Augmentation?

While breast augmentation is a fantastic surgery that allows patients to achieve a new shape and figure, certain things should be avoided before and after the procedure. For those who enjoy smoking and are considering breast augmentation, there are a few essential things you should know before undergoing the surgery. How Smoking Affects Breast Augmentation […]

Why Does Botox Make Your Forehead Shiny?

What Happens If Botox Is Injected Into A Vein

Sometimes after undergoing Botox injections, patients notice that their forehead looks shiny. However, this does not happen for every patient. What causes this shininess? Is it considered a complication? What should I do about it? The experts at Northwest Face & Body in Bellevue, WA answer. Causes Of Post-Botox Shininess Botox is an anti-wrinkle treatment […]

How Noticeable Are Tummy Tuck Scars?

How Noticeable Are Tummy Tuck Scars

A tummy tuck can be an incredible cosmetic surgery providing transformative benefits for many patients. It can restore your body after significant life events like pregnancy or weight loss and restore self-confidence in your physical shape. However, one concern that many have is the scars that can come from an abdominoplasty. But how noticeable are […]