Which is More Popular? Global Trends in Ozempic Vs. Tirzepatide For Weight Loss

The public often scrutinizes popular weight loss medications and offers judgment for those who take them. However, these semaglutide weight loss medications provide incredible benefits for those who struggle to lose and maintain a healthy weight. Both medicines are gaining popularity globally and have specific differences and benefits that can work for different patients. […]
What Size Breasts Qualify For A Reduction?

A breast reduction can be a life-changing procedure that brings relief to many patients. It can relieve back pain and create a newfound sense of confidence and comfort. However, many unanswered questions exist, especially what size breasts qualify for a reduction. Most cosmetic surgeons do not require breast size qualifications for a patient to […]
At What Age Is It Too Late To Get Breast Implants?

The experts at Northwest Face & Body discuss the winter vs. your skin and how to maintain skin health year round.
What Not To Do Before Breast Surgery?

The experts at Northwest Face & Body discuss the winter vs. your skin and how to maintain skin health year round.
Will A Breast Lift Affect Nipple Sensation?

Top Bellevue plastic surgeon, Dr. Allegra discusses the answer to the question, “Will a breast lift affect nipple sensation?” and more about breast lift surgery.
Will A Chemical Peel Remove Facial Hair?

The Bellevue master estheticians at Northwest Face & Body answer the question, “Will a chemical peel remove facial hair?”
Will A Chin Implant Affect My Lips?

Dr. Ludwig Allegra answers the question, “Will a chin implant affect my lips?” and wat to expect following chin augmentation surgery.
Will Lipo 360 Make My Stomach Flat?

Top Bellevue plastic surgeon, Dr. Ludwig Allegra, answers the question, “Will lipo 360 make my stomach flat?”
The Winter vs. Your Skin | Northwest Face & Body

The experts at Northwest Face & Body discuss the winter vs. your skin and how to maintain skin health year round.
Your Questions About Liposuction—Answered!

Top Bellevue plastic surgeon, Dr. Ludwig Allegra answers your questions about liposuction in Bellevue and Kirkland at Northwest Face & Body.