Non-Surgical Neck Enhancement Options
Next to the face, the neck experiences the most significant aging. While every individual’s aging patterns will look and be different, therefore, at Northwest Face & Body we customize each plan to fit the patient. A neck lift or platysmaplasty–often combined with a facelift–are the most common rejuvenation procedure for the neck. However, are there non-surgical neck enhancement options?
Yes, there are many non-surgical procedures that can benefit the neck. Among the most popular include:
#1: Botox
Used to treat neck bands and wrinkles, Botox can help smooth the look of an otherwise youthful looking neck. It does not treat lax skin, which is also common in the neck area. But, it can reduce the appearance of unwanted neck bands.
#2: Radiofrequency Microneedling
If you need mild skin tightening or want to treat damaged skin, RF microneedling is a great option for both the face and neck. It creates microscopic punctures in the skin to induce a collagen response which helps repair the skin.
#3: Chemical Peels
Chemical peels help remove the upper layers of skin to reveal new, less damaged skin underneath. It also creates a collagen response and can infuse antioxidants into the skin. They are a great regular treatment that adults of any age can work into their routine.
To learn more and schedule a consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.