
Northwest Face & Body

Acne Scar Treatment In Washington

Procedure Time
2-3 hours

Recovery Time
1-2 weeks

Acne Scar Treatment In Washington

Getting rid of chronic acne should feel like a victory, but the scars it can leave behind are an entirely new issue. When acne finally clears, it can leave behind deep scars that disrupt the skin’s texture. Acne scarring can leave you feeling disheartened about your skin’s appearance.

At Northwest Face & Body, Dr. Philip Young is one of Washington‘s leading acne scar specialists. Dr. Young has developed one of the top acne scar treatments, the Acne Scar Vitalizer. The Acne Scar Vitalizer is a unique, customizable program that uses advanced techniques and methods to remove the appearance of acne scars. 

What Is Acne Scarring?

Acne scarring is common among many people. It often occurs when someone has dealt with deep cystic acne for an extended period. Cystic acne occurs underneath the follicles and can leave behind deep scar patterns affecting skin texture. Different types of scar patterns can develop due to prolonged acne. These scar patterns can leave different levels and shapes of scars that can significantly affect the skin and leave depressions that can’t be covered with makeup. 

Types Of Acne Scars

Acne scarring can take on many different shapes, as no scar patterns are exactly the same. Acne scars can come in rolling, ice pick, and box scars. Each scar type lies at different depths and requires different treatment methods to remove. Dr. Young works with all types of acne scars and helps patients achieve smooth, soft skin.

While treating different acne scars can be complicated, no one is more qualified than Dr. Young. He understands the unique processes and treatments required to help you achieve a smooth complexion and has developed an advanced acne treatment that addresses the root problem.

What Is The Acne Scar Vitalizer?

The Acne Scar Vitalizer combines numerous techniques and treatments that remove acne scars from the cheeks and face. Dr. Young treats every patient individually, as there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to acne scarring. The Acne Scar Vitalizer typically includes at least seven different treatments that aid in smoothing the complexion and eliminating scar patterns. This treatment can include:
  • 7-15 acne treatment steps
  • Deep tissue treatments
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Combined with other scar excision methods
  • Takes two to three hours to complete
Dr. Young is an expert at creating smooth, resurfaced skin so you can eliminate acne scars and get back to feeling like yourself. 

Do I Qualify For The Acne Scar Vitalizer?

If you struggle with deep acne scarring that affects your skin texture, the Acne Scar Vitalizer may be the solution you’re looking for. Dr. Young will use a consultation to ensure you’re right for the treatment and create a customized plan for your acne scar pattern. Some patients need more aggressive techniques and procedures to remove acne scarring, while others need less invasive procedures. Dr. Young will evaluate your scar patterns and overall goals to ensure the Acne Scar Vitalizer is right for you.

Additional Acne Scar Treatments

Acne scarring can cause deep grooves that interrupt the skin’s texture and disrupt one’s appearance. Dr. Young may use additional scar treatments in order to eliminate the scar patterns and create smooth, beautiful skin. Acne scar treatments in Washington include:

  • Acne Scar Excision: Acne scarring in Washington may require more intense care to remove the patterns. Acne scar excision includes many different incision types and methods to remove the root of the scar and restore smooth texture. It’s mainly used on patients with the deepest acne scars and needing more intense treatment.
  • Skin Volumizing: Skin volumizing helps increase skin elasticity and removes divots from underneath the skin’s surface. It uses fat grafting and facial fillers to help smooth deep grooves and fill out divots in the skin. This helps to fill out the impressions left by acne scarring and create a smoother texture.
  • Skin Resurfacing: Skin resurfacing includes many different treatment options, all of which smooth the top layer of skin. It reconstructs the surface layer of the skin and provides a smoother complexion overall. Skin resurfacing can include chemical peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, dermasanding, Jessner’s at-home chemical peel, and the TCA Cross method for skin reconstruction.

Whether you need any additional acne scar treatment will be determined during a consultation with Dr. Young. He can help determine the perfect methods to help you achieve a smooth, beautiful complexion.

Acne Scar Treatment Recovery

Dr. Young provides an in-depth guide for acne scar treatment recovery. It can take a few weeks to recover from the process, but this depends on the types of treatments performed. You must ensure the treated areas remain clean and drink plenty of water to heal the acne scars properly. Dr. Young will ensure you have everything you need for a smooth recovery and provide detailed steps to ensure the results succeed.

How Long Do The Results Last?

The Acne Scar Vitalizer is a permanent treatment that lasts for a lifetime. However, it’s essential to take care of your skin to see the best results. The Acne Scar Vitalizer offers a permanent solution to acne scarring and can give you a clear, beautiful complexion for the rest of your life.

Your Acne Scar Treatment In Washington

When you choose Dr. Young for your acne scar treatment in Washington, you can expect the best care and customized plan. You can expect the best acne scar treatment that solves the root problem and creates a smooth and beautiful complexion. Dr. Young’s Acne Scar Vitalizer is the perfect solution for overcoming deep scars and achieving a clear complexion.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Is the Acne Scar Treatment Process?

The treatment process depends on the methods required for your unique scar patterns. However, the Acne Scar Vitalizer can last two to three hours before the treatment is complete. It can last even longer if Dr. Young includes additional treatment methods.

How Much Does Acne Scar Treatment Cost In Washington?

The Acne Scar Vitalizer is customizable, and the price depends on the treatments you need. Dr. Young will provide you with a quote during your consultation. Northwest Face & Body offers financing options and payment plans for patients who need them.

Is The Acne Scar Vitalizer Successful?

Yes, the Acne Scar Vitalizer has a significant success rate and helps many achieve smooth skin. It can restructure the skin’s texture and promote a healthy, glowing face for the rest of your life.