
Northwest Face & Body

Body Lift Bellevue & Kirkland

Procedure Time

1-2 Hours

Recovery Time

1 Month

Tummy Tuck

Procedure Time: 1-2 hours

Recovery Time: 1 month

Body Lift Bellevue & Kirkland

Weight loss—while usually good for your health and body contours—can have unfortunate negative consequences when it comes to leaving extra skin behind. With massive weight loss, extra skin can hide the body’s true contours and bunch up to create hanging, sagging skin across the entire body. Generally, skin removal procedures are the best long-term solution for treating this form of extra skin. A body lift surgery can help restore a patient’s contours to their natural appearance and show off the hard work they achieved with weight loss. The Northwest Face & Body surgeons provide the best lower body lift Bellevue and Kirkland offer.

What Is A Body Lift?

A lower body lift is a skin removal surgery that involves a circumferential procedure around the abdomen and back. It is generally performed on patients who have undergone massive weight loss such as those who had weight loss surgeries. Aging patients who experience weight loss, even if moderate, may be left with notable extra skin due to loss of skin elasticity with age.

The procedure combines several surgeries to address common areas where excess skin collects. A body lift is highly customized and may include different techniques and treatment areas from patient to patient. Generally, a lower body lift will—at a minimum—address the abdomen, hips, flanks, and back. However, it may also enhance the buttocks, thighs, breasts, and waist.

Benefits & Risks

Like all surgeries, a body lift comes with inherent benefits and risks. Patients should understand these before opting for the procedure. During a consultation at Northwest Face & Body, patients will be screened to determine their risk during surgery as well as to get an understanding of what the benefits may look like for them.

The benefits of a lower body lift in Bellevue may include:

  • Remove excess skin
  • Enhance body contours
  • Reveal the body’s true shape after weight loss
  • Tighten separated abdominal muscles
  • Reduce sagging skin
  • Remove unnecessary pockets of fat
  • Minimize risk of skin infections and irritation
  • Improve mobility and ability to exercise
  • Fit into smaller clothing sizes
  • Reveal body contours after weight loss
  • Enhance confidence
  • Effective procedure
  • Long term results
  • Helps encourage a continued healthier lifestyle
  • Performed by body contouring experts with decades of experience

The risks of a lower body lift are generally low, but all surgeries involve an expected amount of risk. Possible risks include:

  • Infection
  • Visible or raised scarring
  • Bleeding
  • Numbness or loss of sensation
  • Fluid collection
  • Risks associated with general anesthesia
  • Skin necrosis

In most cases, complications—when they very rarely occur—are generally treatable and minor. However, your surgeon will review your medical history, lifestyle, and other factors to determine if you are at an increased risk of complications.

Procedures Commonly Performed During A Body Lift In Bellevue

A lower body lift is not officially a combination surgery, but it uses techniques from various skin removal procedures to achieve optimal results. With an incision that wraps completely around the body, the surgery essentially combines two other procedures: a tummy tuck and a lower back/butt lift for its initial incision. Below are some of the most commonly performed surgeries performed during a body lift.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck uses a hip-to-hip incision on the lower abdomen to remove extra skin. It also frequently corrects diastasis recti which often happens after pregnancy. The incision is kept as low as possible so that it can be covered by undergarments.

Butt Lift

A butt lift uses an incision along the top of the buttocks and across the lower back to lift and remove sagging skin. During a lower body lift, the surgeon essentially connects the butt lift and tummy tuck incisions which allows for maximum correction and skin removal along the center of the body. Minimally, these two procedures make up a body lift surgery.

Thigh Lift

Thigh lifts of any kind are also popularly combined with a body lift. In some patients, not addressing the thighs can lead to a disproportionate appearance. Sometimes liposuction alone is enough to provide adequate thigh contouring.


Liposuction—while not a skin removal surgery—can complement the results of a body lift. By removing stubborn portions of fat, body lift results may appear smoother, more symmetrical, and generally last longer.

Breast Lift

Patients who qualify for a lower body lift often also experience breast sagging. In the right patient, it is possible to combine a breast lift and body lift into the same surgical session. Your surgeon can evaluate whether or not this is viable for you.

Before & After A Lower Body Lift Surgery


The first step to undergoing a Bellevue lower body lift is to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon at Northwest Face & Body. During this appointment, your surgeon will review your medical history, goals for the procedure, expectations, lifestyle, and other relevant factors. They will also perform a brief physical exam of the area which will help them determine what is possible for you based on your anatomy and the results you want.

If your surgeon believes you are a good candidate, they will explain the expected results, what the procedure would entail, and provide a personalized price quote.


Lower body lift surgery in Bellevue is performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere from three to eight hours, occasionally more depending on the specifics of the procedure. Patients will go home the same day of their surgery.


Your surgeon will provide customized instructions for your body lift recovery. Some of the instructions may include:
  • Wear the provided compression garments
  • Rest with occasional non-strenuous walking
  • Attend post-operative appointments
  • Do not get incisions or scars in the area wet
  • Ensure you have a caregiver for at least the first 24 hours post-surgery
  • Avoid exercise and heavy lifting
  • Do not bend down
  • Take prescribed medications
  • Do not return to work or activities until cleared to do so
  • Eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated


How Painful Is A 360 Body Lift?

Patients will not feel pain during surgery. However, some post-surgery discomfort is expected. Your surgeon will prescribe you pain medications to make your recovery easier and more comfortable. Individual pain tolerances differ, but a body lift does tend to come with more pain than other cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation.

Does A Lower Body Lift Include The Pubic Area?

Yes, this can usually be addressed through the tummy tuck incision though it does not have to be. You and your surgeon can discuss if a mons pubis lift would be appropriate based on your anatomy, goals, and health.

Where Is The Scar From A Lower Body Lift?

The scar following a body lift is located on the lower abdomen, sides, and back. It completely circles the body. Scar treatment should begin as soon as possible and most body lift scars can be hidden with undergarments.

How Much Is A Body Lift Surgery In Bellevue?

The cost of a body lift ranges significantly due to the personalized nature of the procedure. Patients can expect to spend around $16,995, but this number may differ based on various individual factors.

Northwest Face & Body does accept outside financing from Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit. They also take all major credit cards.

Choosing Northwest Face & Body For Your Lower Body Lift

Northwest Face & Body is the Eastside’s premier plastic surgery clinic and medical spa. With over thirty years of serving the Bellevue, Kirkland, and Seattle areas, our surgeons value each patient and treatment with the care and respect they deserve. We want you to feel confident and at ease. Our surgeons have over fifty years of combined experience. Northwest Face & Body offers the best lower body lift Bellevue and Kirkland can provide.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.