
Northwest Face & Body

Revision Acne Scar Treatment With Dr. Young In Seattle

Procedure Time
2-3 hours

Recovery Time
1-2 weeks

Please Note

If a patient is currently taking Accutane® (Isotretinoin), we are unable to provide treatment until one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The patient has been off the medication for at least one year, or
  2. The patient provides a letter from their dermatologist confirming it is safe to proceed with treatment before the one year period is complete.

Revision Acne Scar Treatment With Dr. Young In Seattle

Acne scars affect almost everyone. However, for people who experienced cystic acne or severe acne throughout their lives, acne scars can be a permanent and painful (both literally and figuratively) reminder of that struggle. Some treatments can help fade or disguise acne scars, especially when treatment begins early. Since most acne scars are on the face and highly visible, treatment must be precise and performed by a professional. Dr. Phillip Young has performed his single session acne scar revision treatment over the last twenty years, leading to an effective and personalized procedure that has helped many address their unsightly and painful acne scars. Dr. Young at Northwest Face & Body performs the best revision acne scar treatment Seattle offers.

What Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars consist of noticeable pits left behind after acne heals. In some cases, acne scars are minor and heal on their own quickly. However, when the result of cystic acne or other severe forms of acne, it can leave a permanent scar behind due to the formation of scar tissue. There are three primary forms of acne scars:

  • Boxcar Scars: Square or oval shaped acne scars which are deeper in the middle than on the sides are known as boxcar scars. Due to their combined width and depth, boxcar scars are difficult to hide with makeup and may take longer to heal or fade than other types of scars. Boxcar scars are most common in areas where the skin is thicker such as the lower face.
  • Ice Pick Scars: Appearing as small, circular indentations, ice pick scars are most common on the cheeks and areas where the skin is naturally thinner. They are wider at the surface and narrow as they reach deeper into the skin. While one of the smaller scars, they are among the deeper acne scars. Thus, this can make ice pick acne scars especially hard to treat.
  • Rolling Scars: Rolling acne scars lack defined borders and can appear “wavy” in texture. This can cause a rough looking skin texture. Unlike other acne scarring where inadequate healing or collagen response contribute the most, the depressions of rolling scars are often caused by bands of scar tissue forming between the fat and skin of the face and pulling the skin downward.
Treatment for acne scars varies widely. Most procedures are somewhat, but not fully effective. Therefore, adequately addressing acne scars often requires a combination of non-surgical and potentially surgical procedures to obtain the best results. Some of the treatments that may be used for or during acne scar treatment include:

Dr. Young’s Innovative Single Session Acne Scar Revision

For ideal results, Dr. Young combines between 7 and 15 acne scar treatments into one 2 to 3 hour session. The specific treatments and number of procedures performed is personalized to fit each patient and their unique pattern of scarring. There are several factors Dr. Young accounts for when crafting the right revision acne scar treatment in Seattle: age, skin quality, type of acne scars, skin type, current acne struggles, and medical history.


Excision of acne scars can include many different techniques of lifting or removing scars via surgical excision. While not necessary for all patients, excision can physically remove scar tissue and other root causes of acne scars. Dr. Young performs acne scar excision precisely and carefully to prevent and limit further scarring.


Acne scar resurfacing can take varying forms. From non-surgical solutions like chemical peels and microneedling to more aggressive treatments like ablative laser resurfacing, resurfacing helps smooth the skin and scars for a more seamless surface appearance. Dr. Young often performs resurfacing at the end of his acne scar revision treatments because it helps promote the most natural looking results.


Some forms of pitted acne scars may require procedures to fill them in. Generally, this is done through fat transfer or injections of dermal fillers. Either can be effective in the right situation. Dr. Young will discuss if this is necessary for your case and the right way to proceed with volumizing your acne scars for optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Acne Scar Revision Work For All Types Of Acne Scars?

Yes, Dr. Young customizes his revision acne scar treatment to fit a patient’s specific pattern of scarring which includes the types of acne scarring they present with. Certain procedures are more effective for one type of scarring than others. Therefore, Dr. Young personalizes the treatment based on what a patient needs to see their ideal result.

Is There An Age Limit For Acne Scar Revision To Work?

No, Dr. Young has treated adult patients with acne scars at all ages. However, older acne scars may be more difficult to treat because the aging process can worsen their appearance. Additionally, age can affect the unscarred skin surrounding it which can make disguising acne scars more difficult overall.

Are There Risks?

All forms of acne scar revision come with some inherent risk. In general, these treatments are exceptionally low risk and rarely cause major complications. To reduce risk and prevent adverse events, it is important to disclose your medical history and lifestyle with Dr. Young as well as to follow his post-procedure instructions.

How Long Does The Procedure Take?

Dr. Young’s acne scar treatment usually takes between two and three hours. This can vary based on the number and type of procedures performed.

What Is The Cost Of Acne Scar Revision In Seattle?

The cost of acne scar revision in Seattle tends to range between $10,995 and $12,995 for Dr. Young’s single session treatment. Patients will receive a customized price quote at their consultation. Outside financing through Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit is accepted at Northwest Face & Body.

The Best Revision Acne Scar Treatment In Seattle With Dr. Young

Dr. Phillip Young at Northwest Face & Body is a double-board certified cosmetic surgeon, fellowship-trained plastic surgeon, and award-winning beauty theorist. His expertise and experience span over two decades. Dr. Young specializes in acne scar treatment and has helped many people find relief from their unsightly and painful acne scars.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.