
Northwest Face & Body

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The Perfect Derma Peel In Kirkland & Bellevue

Procedure Time

1-2 Hours

Recovery Time

1 Month

Tummy Tuck

The Perfect Derma Peel In Kirkland & Bellevue

Many factors can affect your skin’s health and vibrance, including the skincare products you use, hormone fluctuations, and environmental stressors like pollution. These things can lead to your skin losing elasticity and firmness, acne breakouts (and potential acne scarring), and lines and wrinkles.

Your skin is the first line of defense against all outside elements; it offers your body 24/7 protection from germs, bacteria, infections, etc. For this reason alone, it’s crucial to keep your skin healthy so you can stay healthy, too. However, this job can also affect your skin’s appearance, lowering your self-confidence.

The Perfect Derma Peel is a medical-grade chemical peel that may reverse the impacts of environmental stressors on your skin, leading to a luminous and youthful complexion. The providers at Northwest Face & Body are excited to offer The Perfect Derma Peel treatment to our patients in the Kirkland and Bellevue areas.

What Is The Perfect Derma Peel?

You’ve heard that chemical peels can take years off your face, diminish acne scars and age spots, and leave you with skin that seems to glow. However, the usual surface-level exfoliation these chemical peels produce may not go deep enough or use the most beneficial ingredients to give you the promised results.

The Perfect Derma Peel is a one-of-a-kind medium-depth chemical peel. The main thing that sets this peel apart from similar medical-grade treatments is the addition of an antioxidant called glutathione. This ingredient fights against free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules that lead to premature aging and dull, textured skin. Glutathione minimizes these effects and promotes healthy skin at a cellular level. The other antioxidants and exfoliants in The Perfect Derma Peel encourage additional skin rejuvenation, creating brighter, younger-looking skin. 

Who Makes A Good Candidate For The Perfect Derma Peel?

If you have skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, facial aging, etc., you may be a good candidate for The Perfect Derma Peel. The master estheticians at Northwest Face & Body use this peel to treat patients in the Kirkland & Bellevue areas who want to see refreshed, glowing skin. The Perfect Derma Peel provides a medium-depth peel that exfoliates dull, damaged skin. If you have psoriasis or eczema, you should ask your provider about other skin treatments since The Perfect Derma Peel may not be right for your skin.

The exfoliating and antioxidant properties of The Perfect Derma Peel are safe for and can benefit all skin types and ethnicities. A provider at Northwest Face & Body will be able to help you determine what skin treatment will address your specific needs.

The Benefits Of The Perfect Derma Peel In Kirkland & Bellevue

The Perfect Derma Peel addresses many skin conditions, including;
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma
  • Textured skin
  • Acne
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dull skin
  • Sun damage
  • Age spots
  • Acne scarring
  • Large pores
Because it can improve the above conditions, you may see many benefits from The Perfect Derma Peel. The benefits of this peel include:
  • Smaller pores
  • Improved acne scarring
  • Better skin texture
  • An even skin tone
  • Increased collagen production, leading to firmer, more elastic skin
  • A quick and safe treatment session
  • Improved wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging
  • Hydrated skin
  • Pain-free treatment
  • Radiant skin

The Perfect Derma Peel Ingredients

The active ingredients in The Perfect Derma Peel are several powerful exfoliants and antioxidants. The exfoliants will help renew your skin cells and produce a smoother texture and healthier-looking skin tone. Antioxidants will increase collagen production, which helps your skin become more elastic and youthful while creating an even pigmentation and a glowing complexion.

You will find the following high-quality skincare ingredients in The Perfect Derma Peel: 

  • Glutathione: This antioxidant naturally occurs in the human body and can help restore skin cells and create a radiant and youthful glow. This ingredient sets The Perfect Derma Peel apart from other chemical peels since it is the only medium-depth, medical-grade peel to include glutathione as an ingredient.
  • Kojic acid: This organic compound also acts as an antioxidant, treating age spots and sun damage and making your skin tone bright and well-balanced.
  • Phenol: This exfoliant doubles as a numbing agent, diminishing your skin’s texture and scarring while keeping you comfortable and pain-free during application.
  • Retinoic acid: Your skin cells need rejuvenation to give you that luminous look you crave. Retinoic acid exfoliates your skin, renews cells, and minimizes pores and breakouts, helping your skin look younger and refreshed.
  • Salicylic acid: This is a popular ingredient in acne treatments since it may control acne-causing bacteria, unblock pores, and reduce swelling and redness.
  • Trichloroacetic acid (TCA): A high-power exfoliant, TCA can help diminish acne scarring, age spots, sun damage, and signs of aging.
  • Vitamin C: This antioxidant combats oxidative stress and free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules). It may help reverse aging by hydrating and smoothing wrinkles and giving your skin a brighter, more even tone.

At Northwest Face & Body, our master estheticians offer two boosters to help increase the results of The Perfect Derma Peel. Our first booster option is 4% hydroquinone; this may help decrease cases of hyperpigmentation. The second booster is a mix of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid; these ingredients help reduce acne breakouts. You will need to ask your provider about these boosters to see if you’re a candidate since they may not be suitable for all skin types.

What Is The Patient Take-Home Kit?

You will need to carefully select what products you use on your skin after your peel; your esthetician will provide the dos and don’ts of skincare after a chemical peel. Some products are too harsh or contain ingredients that may irritate your skin.

At Northwest Face & Body, a patient take-home kit is part of The Perfect Derma Peel treatment. This kit includes mild skincare products that will help soothe your skin and produce the best results after your peel. Inside the patient take-home kit, you will find:

  • Post-peel care instructions
  • A 1% hydrocortisone moisturizer (1 oz.)
  • Two post-peel towelettes
  • An SPF 30 (1 oz.)

You will use the take-home kit for seven days following your chemical peel. The post-peel towelettes will increase the rate of peeling for better results. If your skin feels tight, you can use the hydrocortisone moisturizer to rehydrate and encourage healthy skin development. The SPF will protect your skin from daily sun exposure and UV rays, though you should also wear a hat until your skin completely heals.

Carefully follow all the post-peel instructions from your esthetician and your take-home kit to see good, healthy results from your chemical peel.

The Perfect Derma Peel Process

Light chemical peels focus on removing the epidermis, the top layer of skin; medium chemical peels like The Perfect Derma Peel go deeper and refresh the top portion of the dermis, the second skin layer. This treatment helps these layers peel and reveal renewed skin cells while reducing the appearance of surface- and mid-level facial blemishes and decreasing deep hyperpigmentation.

The Consultation

The best way to know what skin treatment is right for you is to attend a consultation with one of the skincare specialists at Northwest Face & Body. Your provider will recommend a suitable skin treatment after reviewing your medical history and assessing your skin condition. The Perfect Derma Peel may be a good option if you are a candidate with mid-level skin concerns.

The Appointment

Grab a hat when you leave the house for your peel appointment; your skin will be vulnerable to irritation from the sun, so you’ll need to shield your face until peeling is complete. You can remove your makeup when you reach our clinic; however, it may save some time if you don’t wear makeup to your peel appointment.

Before they apply the peel, your master esthetician will cleanse your face to remove bacteria and residue and prep your skin for the peel. You may feel a slight stinging or tingling when your esthetician begins applying The Perfect Derma Peel. This sensation should be mild and fade after a short time. Peel appointments are relatively quick and usually take about fifteen minutes.

Post-Peel Care & Results

Your skin may feel tight and will likely be red after your peel (like a mild sunburn). Wear your hat as you leave our clinic to protect your face from UV rays! You may notice a darkening or deeper red tone to your skin on the first or second day after your treatment; this will resolve as your skin begins to peel on the third day. Don’t pick at or peel the skin off as it begins to peel. Instead, use the products in your kit to help hydrate your skin during peeling. The peeling process will take three to four days; you should see a brighter skin tone and smoother complexion between one to two weeks post-peel.

For the best results from The Perfect Derma Peel, follow all the instructions in your take-home kit and any aftercare tips from your esthetician. 

What Are Possible Side Effects Of The Perfect Derma Peel?

Like other chemical peels, The Perfect Derma Peel may cause side effects, including:
  • Tingling or stinging at the start of application
  • Skin that feels tight
  • Flakey skin
  • Redness
  • Slight swelling
These side effects are mild and usually improve over a few days but may be present until your skin completely peels and begins to heal (about one week after your peel). Continue using the products in your take-home kit and following your esthetician’s skincare recommendations to avoid irritating your skin and prolonging side effects.


Is The Perfect Derma Peel Painful?

As your master esthetician begins to apply the peel, you may feel a tingling or slight stinging. However, the Perfect Derma Peel contains phenol; this exfoliant doubles as a numbing agent, limiting any discomfort during treatment. After your chemical peel, your skin will likely be sensitive and feel tighter as it heals. This feeling and sensitivity should diminish significantly after the first week post-peel.

How Long Do The Results Of The Perfect Derma Peel Last?

You will likely see rejuvenated and brighter skin as soon as a week after your treatment. You will continue to see the results of your peel as long as you maintain good skincare habits. Many estheticians recommend a follow-up peel every six months to keep your skin luminous and smooth. However, different factors, such as aging and acne breakouts, may require treatment every three to four months to keep your skin looking refreshed.

What Should I Avoid After My Peel?

After a chemical peel, your skin will be sensitive and prone to reactions to harsh products. It’s best to avoid anything that may lead to more irritation, such as:

  • Touching or rubbing your face
  • Picking at any peeling spots of skin
  • Exercise like swimming, jogging, etc.
  • Extreme high temperatures (saunas, hot baths & showers, etc.)
  • Any activity that makes you sweat
  • Sun exposure
  • Acne treatment products
  • Any abrasive washcloths, facial cleansing brushes, etc.
  • Products full of harsh chemicals

Are There Any Differences Between The Perfect Derma Peel And The VI Peel?

Both peels are medical-grade, medium-depth treatments that address surface to mid-level facial blemishes and uneven skin tones. While The Perfect Derma Peel and the VI Peel have similar application processes and ingredient lists, there are some differences that you should note before choosing which chemical peel suits your needs.

With a higher level of TCA (trichloroacetic acid), the VI Peel may lead to faster peeling, which can cause irritation, redness, swelling, and burning.

TCA is an ingredient in The Perfect Derma Peel; however, the concentration of TCS is lower in this peel. It also contains glutathione, making it the only medical-grade peel to offer this beneficial antioxidant. If you want to increase your chances of seeing younger-looking, radiant skin, The Perfect Derma Peel may be the better choice.

Who Shouldn’t Get The Perfect Derma Peel Treatment?

Though safe for most skin types and ethnicities, there are a few people who may not be candidates for The Perfect Derma Peel, including individuals who:
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have extreme skin sensitivity
  • Have eczema or psoriasis
  • Recently had a facial treatment (laser therapy, microneedling, etc.)
  • Are using or have used Accutane or other acne medication in the past four months
  • Are receiving radiation or chemotherapy treatments
  • Have an autoimmune disorder
  • Have any unhealed or open wounds near the treatment area
  • Have a history of an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients
The skincare specialists at Northwest Face & Body will be able to assess your skin condition and review your medical history at a consultation in our Kirkland office before determining whether you are a good candidate for The Perfect Derma Peel.

Choose Northwest Face & Body For Radiant Skin Results

When choosing skin rejuvenation treatments, you can trust the experts at Northwest Face & Body. Our master estheticians evaluate each patient’s skin condition and medical history before recommending treatments like The Perfect Derma Peel–the only medium-depth, medical-grade peel with glutathione. This powerful antioxidant helps slow aging while rejuvenating skin. Glutathione and the other antioxidants and exfoliants in The Perfect Derma Peel may reduce wrinkles and lines, acne scarring and breakouts, and give you a smoother, brighter complexion.

Schedule your consultation through our website to get personalized skincare advice from the master estheticians at Northwest Face & Body. You can also call us at (425) 576-1700 to learn more about The Perfect Derma Peel.