What Are Seromas After A Tummy Tuck?

As a major surgery that typically removes an extensive amount of skin, a tummy tuck does carry more risk than a more minor procedure. All surgeries do carry risks. One risk that is possible with all surgeries, but more common after a tummy tuck is seromas. What are seromas after a tummy tuck?
Seromas are a collection of fluid that tends to collect at or near the incision site. In most cases, seromas are not major and can be monitored during recovery. Mild seromas will likely heal and go away on their own. The fluid is clear, but if it changes color or becomes bloody, this could indicate an infection.
For larger seromas, Dr. Allegra may need to drain it one or more times. In the rarest of cases, you may have to undergo a minor surgical procedure to fully remove the seroma. However, this is the last resort and not usually necessary. Other than manual draining, your surgeon may provide an extra round of antibiotics and provide ways to alleviate discomfort.
Overall, seromas do not pose a major risk to patients. As long as you attend your post-operative appointments and contact Dr. Allegra if you notice anything concerning or signs of infection, you should recover without major problems. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, online form, or Price Simulator.