What Does A Midface Lift Involve?

Most people have heard of a facelift before. However, few know what it actually involves and that it actually treats only the lower face with some mild correction to the midface. So, what if you need the most correction to the midface? This is where a midface lift can help. What does a midface lift involve?
As the name implies, a midface lift lifts the midface. However, the sagging in this area often has different causes than the lower face. Usually, the fat in the cheeks begins to descend which causes the skin to sag as well. Repositioning this fat back into a more youthful position can elevate the face and make you look younger.
Occasionally, Dr. Allegra may remove some skin like with a traditional facelift. The incisions are most commonly behind the ears or in the hairline depending on your procedure. A midface lift also combines well with a brow lift, facelift, or other facial procedure.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.