If you’ve ever researched breast implants, you may have come across the recommendation to exchange breast implants every ten years. While breast implants may need exchanged at that time, how accurate is this advice? What happens if you leave your implants in longer than 10 years?
Patients who have modern breast implants can often leave their breast implants in for much longer than 10 years. Generally, there is no reason to exchange your implants after 10 years if you are not having an issue. It is true that certain complications such as rupture become more likely after 10 years, but these chances are still low.
Patients who have older types of breast implants over two or three decades old may consider upgrading to new, more cohesive breast implants. Again, it is not necessary if the patient is having no problems and happy with their results, but old forms of implants are less reliable than new ones.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.